Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Waiting For Buses

I was told that I was going to have to work in the South London office for a few days. I had grimaced at the thought. The office in question is based on Walworth Road, which broadly speaking, is the alimentary canal, which feeds through to the anus of London that is Camberwell. So not a pretty picture you might say. This would also mean that I'd have to take a bus to work, rather than my usual 30 minute stroll through the city and I wasn't looking forward to it. I loath buses and the one thing worse than catching a bus, is catching a bus through a not nice part of town.

My fears were realised as I waited for the bus in question. I watched and waited and watched and waited. A 100 bus flew past, followed by an RV1, then another 100, then a 78. All I wanted was the number 42. More buses past by - 100, 78, 78, 100. "Oh for God's sake" I muttered under my breath.

"Murder isn't it", said a voice behind me. "Oh, er yes" I smiled "Sorry, I didn't realise I was that loud." "No, no it's always like this and that's usually my line. I only wish I could walk to work". I smiled, "I usually can" I said. "You're lucky" she replied. She, was petite with big brown eyes and long dark brown hair that was tied back into a pony tail. Her hands were deep in her pockets and she wore a thick scarf as she braced the cold air.

"So why are you catching the bus today?" she enquired. "I'm working out of a different office for a couple of days near Camberwell". "Mmmm.. lovely place" she mused. "Yes, isn't it just" I replied. She smiled. "I'm based in London Bridge so need the RV1" "You're lucky" I said. "I know" she smiled.

A number 42 bus pulled up. "This one's mine I'm afraid" I said. "Lucky you, don't worry about me, I'm sure I'll survive the cold" she mused. I couldn't let this opportunity go. Thinking quickly, I smiled and handed her a business card. "Well, why don't you give me a call. You know, just so that I know you've survived". She took it and smiled. "Maybe I will".

I boarded the bus and it drove off. I looked through the back window to see an RV1 pulling into the bus stop behind. A few minutes later my phone beeped.

- Been rescued, although need to warm up. How about a drink sometime?

I smiled and put the phone back in my pocket.

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