Sunday, 13 December 2009

Christmas Dating

A wise man once said of Christmas "Always have a relationship to see you through the holidays!". Ok, it was Jude Law playing Alfie, but the principle stands true and for us singletons, even more so. This is why internet dating can be so much fun at this time of the year. Because every singleton is prepared to overlook the potential flaws in the opposite sex. Especially in the quest to have a very merry Christmas under the mistletoe.

Which brings me onto my date this week with S, an attractive and petite brunette girl, who I had met through an internet dating site. We had agreed to meet for drinks at a pub in Covent Garden. Unfortunately, she started by arriving late. Now late isn't necessarily bad. Late can be characterful, at least that's when I tell my friends when I’m the culprit. But S was 45 minutes late, and with no apology. I put this to one side in my mind, in the knowledge that this is Christmas time, and to look at the bigger picture. She then broke into what felt like a 60 minute monologue on why Olly whatshisface should win X-Factor. I’m a bloke – I don’t care, I thought as I nodded politely, before she demanded another glass of wine. I could feel my arteries hardening. Unfortunately, it was only my arteries and I needed an escape. My early Christmas present came in the form of a text from friends who were having their own party 10 minutes away.

I know that I said that we can overlook flaws at Christmas, but sometimes escape is the only path. Oh well, at least is still a week and a half left to get merry under the mistletoe.

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