Monday, 23 November 2009

What Is A Ten?

A 10, as I observed to my friend Pete this week, does not exist. He had asked my opinion on a girl he had seen, asking for marks out of 10 and had said "she's a definite 10". To my mind, a 10 is a sign of perfection. A 10, screams that in front of you is the most beautiful, elegant, dazzling and perfect example of a woman that you will find on God's clean eco friendly earth.

Pete is a lovely guy, great mate and loyal friend, however he also has a tendency to fall in love instantly and wears his heart very much on his sleeve. The heart on sleeve wearing is a double edged sword for Pete. His platonic girlfriends think he is completely lovely, whilst dates tend to think that he is slightly intense and overbearing. It's a complicated world we live in, but basically, he is both of those things He will admit it himself, even as he sends the 3rd text in a row to this week's flame professing love and adulation, shortly to be followed up by a 4th querying whether he's upset her.

As I explained my theory to Pete, he suddenly retorted with "Don't be ridiculous, look at her". I had to look again to make sure my eye's weren't deceiving me - they weren't. She was indeed pretty, but the thing is, as I explained to Pete, that by saying someone is a 10, what you are actually saying is you will never meet anyone better, ever, for the rest of your life. "Don't you agree?" I asked. He guffawed, which is Pete speak for yes.

His phone beeped. This week's flame will apparrently be busy for the next 3 weeks and is very into her work at the moment - a bad sign. I bought him a conciliatory pint as he cursed and deleted her number. "Onwards and upwards mate." I said, "Onwards and upwards".

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